Thursday, September 17, 2009

Deep fry Crispy Eggplant


200g of eggplant with skin ( striped)
5 bird's eye chillies ( chopped)

2 tbsp tapioca flour, 2 tbsp plain flour, half tsp salt
1 tbssp cooking oil, 1 tbsp bottled curry powder
1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 1/2 tsp baking powder
4-5 tbsp water


Combine the batter ingredient , then add in eggplants and chopped bird's eye chillies, mix well

Heat up oil, deep-fry eggplants over high heat until golden brown and crispy. Dish up , drain well and serve hot.

Remove water retention remedy


1. 2 green apples
2. 7 lemon grass


1. Slit an untrimmed lemongrass stalk in half lengthwise. Twist the thicknest,ivory-hued end to bruise it and sniff its scent; then, do the same with the thin green oppoiste end.

2. cut the apple into half and place it in the pot ( about 4 cups of water) with 7 lemongrass. Cook it until the fragrance out. Serve.

If you can't stand the lemongrass's fragrance, you can try ginger tea. P

Remove stains on your coffee and tea

remove the stains from your cup, just sprinkle some salt into the cup then scrub gently.

House hold tips

Remove stubborn stains such as chilli sauce, blood and soya sauce on the collars of your shirts , blouses, skirts and kids uniform by using a bar of bathing soap. Apply the bar of soap on the stained area and scrub it before soaking it in a pail of soapy water( powder form)

Pumpkin Pudding

Pumpkin is rich in vitamin B &E.

1. 150g Pumpkin
2. 1 Egg, Beaten
3. 50ml Skim Milk
4. 20g Sugar
5. 60ml Cream


1. Remove skin and seeds from pumpkin. Cut into cubes and steam until pumpkin is soft enough to mash. Add sugar, egg, skim milk and cream, then mix thoroughly.

2. Sieve the mixture to remove lumps, then steam for 25 minutes.